Home Improvement

Preparing Your Home for Extreme Weather

As climate change intensifies, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe. Protecting your home from these conditions is crucial to safeguarding your family and belongings. By following essential steps and availing professional services, you can minimize damage and maintain a comfortable living environment. This comprehensive guide delves into various aspects of seasonal home […]

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Close up of Termites

How to Detect Termites in Your Ceiling: Early Warning Signs

Termites are often coined as ‘silent destroyers,’ and rightly so, as they can lurk in homes undetected, causing significant damage before the problem is even recognized. One common yet overlooked area where termites can thrive is in the ceiling. Detecting the early-stage signs of termites in the ceiling is crucial for homeowners to prevent extensive

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What Americans Have Been Renovating During the Pandemic

  According to the Bank of America data, many Americans have done DIY home projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of them are millennials. Half of them relied on home renovation videos available online. Meanwhile, some of them watched television shows that gave tips on how to redesign their homes. Those who engaged in DIY projects

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repairmen fixing window

The Most Important Home Upgrades You Can Make to Improve Your Health

Are you thinking of renovating your home? Before you make plans to bring in new furnishings and redo your house’s entire exterior, you must upgrade the more practical things. After all, if you neglect the basic functions that make your house as convenient as it is, your renovation investments might lose their value. Moreover, you’ll

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man renovating his home

Budget Homes: How to Make That Fixer-upper Your Dream Home

Home prices have increased drastically during this pandemic. This is attributed to the lack of materials and the lack of homes in the market. It’s estimated that home prices have increased by 13% from last year, with the average home price being around $340,000 to $400,000. As a result, various home buyers resort to other

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