Springtime Home Restorations: 10 Ways to Refresh Your Home

House exterior

Do you think your house looks dull and lacks appeal? Here are a few spring cleaning and maintenance tips that are sure to give your home a fresher and cleaner new look to improve its curb appeal.

10 Ways to Make Your Home Look Fresh and New for Spring


1. Give your front door an updated look.

One of the simplest ways of giving your home a sparkling clean new look is giving your front door an update. You can paint it in a different color or give it a fresh coat of the same hue, it’s your call. A newly-painted door not only gives your home a fresher look, but it also adds to its curb appeal.

2. Update your kitchen cabinet.

Similarly, kitchen cabinets can add to a home’s value by giving it a few updates. You can change the handles and hinges to give it a new look. You can add some moldings or completely replace the cabinet doors. A new paint job also gives it a breath of fresh air.

3. Replace your faucets and showerheads.

Old rusty faucets and showerheads are a pain to look at. Replacing them with shiny new ones instantly brings life to your bathroom and kitchen sinks. You can choose to go with simpler lines or more intricate designs. Either way, new fixtures will give your home an updated look.

4. Unclog your gutters.

Wintertime has brought a significant amount of debris and gunk in your gutters and rain spouts. Unclog them with the help of professionals who offer services for roof restoration in Rapid City or Milwaukee or you can choose to DIY it.

5. Clean your windows.

Now that spring is here, it’s time to give those windows a nice springtime wash. Give it a good hose down and scrubbing. There’s nothing like a house with gleaming windows that makes it very attractive to passers-by.

6. Powerwash your driveway and garage.

After shoveling huge loads of snow off your driveway and walkway, point your hose at it and give it a much-needed power washing. Check your driveway and garage for any oil or fluid stains. There are several DIY ways of getting rid of those stains. You can always look for them online.

7. Work on your garden.

Spring is the perfect time to plant those flowers and shrubs you have always wanted for your garden. Herb and vegetable gardens also make for ideal springtime planting. Take note that the best time to plant is in the earlier days of spring when the soil is no longer frozen.

8. Install new lighting fixtures.

Replacing older lighting fixtures with new ones, especially your outdoor lights, can boost your home’s curb appeal. You can also install lights to illuminate your walkway to keep it safe at night and give your home a warm, cozy, and welcoming vibe.

9. Change your mailbox.

A simple way to give your property a noticeably new look is to update your mailbox. You can either repaint it or get a new one.

10. Give your home a thorough cleaning.

Woman wearing apron and gloves while holding a broom

Lastly, spring cleaning means going through your home to give it a much-needed thorough cleaning. Doing so improves the quality of the air around the house and give your home a really sparkling-brand-new feel. It improves your overall mood and makes your property welcoming to guests.

Give your home the TLC it needs and deserves. There’s no better time than springtime to give it an upgrade to make it look brand-spanking new again.

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