Home Appliances that Can Cause Mold in Your House

air conditioner installed at home

Mold is a nasty thing that is not only disgusting to see but carries along with it a host of other problems. It includes health risks, like skin irritation, respiratory issues, and more toxic cases, such as depression and insomnia. Nobody wants to have a mold growth problem in their home, and there are a lot of spaces where it can be growing without you realizing it.

Check out which appliances could be creating mold, why they can cause it, and how to prevent it.

Air conditioning unit

When your air conditioner malfunctions or starts leaking, this can be a big instigator for mold to start forming. Mold loves water damage, as it thrives on humid and damp conditions. If left untreated, a leaking AC can cause this problem right underneath it or within its framing.

Mold remediation experts from Denver, CO, have noted that many homes with sections that have forgotten units left to leak in a humid environment are often the culprits. While regular inspection and maintenance can prevent this issue, a lot of cases where you start smelling a mustiness emanating from the unit mean that it’s time to call in for professional help to clear out the mold before it gets worse.


Mold growth also becomes even more prevalent in areas that are dark and warm while receiving a lot of moisture. The coils of your refrigerator can be breeding grounds for this, especially since it’s one of the most inconspicuous areas in the home. It’s often out of sight and out of mind, so you may not realize until there is a problem at hand.

If you notice mold inside your fridge, it may also be stemming from any expired food items inside that have mold themselves. These have spores that will cause them to grow out and affect the interior, so it’s best to dispose of the culprit and clean out the interior.

If the problem is from the outside, with your machine itself building up mold, it may be time to call a repairman and sanitation professionals.

Washing machine

wired washing machine

In its very nature, a washer traps moisture, and this invites mold to develop over time. Add to that the laundry products that are commonly used, and the environment becomes even riper for mold growth. Preventing this is thankfully easy, as consistent cleaning and maintenance are enough to keep it away.

Front-loading washing machines need more attention, as their rubber seal is more likely to be conducive to this growth.

If you start getting that musty scent wafting from your machine, that means it’s a little too late to start a general cleaning session. It’s also time to get a professional to get rid of those harmful spores before you use it again and expose yourself to them. It’s also best to be mindful about properly drying the surroundings of your machine so that water damage doesn’t happen in your walls and floor crevices, which can invite mold.

Now that you know to look out for these risks, you can properly use your appliances as intended. You can keep your house clean and everyone living in it safe.

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