Handy Home Remodeling Suggestions for the Resting Retiree’s Residence

Exterior renovation of a modern house and construction equipments

Exterior renovation of a modern house and construction equipments As someone who’s entering retirement, you may be faced with the question of moving to a new property or remodeling your existing home. Both suggestions present their advantages and disadvantages, so it is best to take your time and decide. Either one of these decisions will involve the use of your funds, so it’s up to you to make a choice on what purpose to put it in. Remodeling, in particular, will let you stay with what you grew old with and make changes to accommodate your lifestyle. Here are a few suggestions on what you can do if you choose this over moving.

Always within Reach

Older individuals often find it hard to reach certain areas within the house, especially if it involves bending down to reach certain corners. It can sometimes feel as if your back will give out any second, and you can’t let that happen. Now that you have the house to yourself, adjustments should be made with the height of your outlets as well as storage furniture such as cabinets and dressers. Everything that needs to be stored or reached must be within eye or shoulder level for better mobility with less effort and time. It also helps to get furniture that’s convertible or could easily be stowed away in walls. You can call on remodeling companies in Kansas City to assist you with this action.

Break the Walls

Mobility is always a concern when it comes to homes made or remodeled for the elderly. You’re not getting any younger, and you’re likely more limited in your movement now compared to when you were younger. This is understandable, but it would help your home life more if you have enough freedom to move about the house without the risk of bumping into anything, causing accidents and thousands of dollars in hospital bills. Keep the number of your partitions to a minimum and think more about the areas that need to be restricted and those that need to be expanded. It does make a home feel more liberating if there are fewer walls to divide it.

man planning renovation with drill and wood planksExpand your Openings

Universal design knows no boundaries and gives everyone, especially the elderly and PWDs, to live comfortably and efficiently inside and around their home. It starts with the entrances to your home and the different rooms in it. Just like minimizing your wall count, widening your doors and openings makes for easier access to different parts of the house. This move is especially helpful if you happen to be in a wheelchair. You can open them easier by replacing knobs with lever type handles that don’t need much gripping. You can also opt for doors that you only need to push to open.

A good home remodeler can help you look ahead and decide on the most beneficial improvements you should make in your house. Many people plan to age in their current home, and some are interested in remodeling so they can do just that. Seek out the experts to gain the advice and labor you need. Put your luxury of time to good use by shopping around for a company that can make a living out the rest of your days in your home more comfortable.

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