How to Clean the Green After St. Patrick’s Day

Green hat and paper clovers

Green hat and paper cloversSt. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner and many folks are fixing to be Irish for a day. Apart from overflowing beer and whisky, as well as various representations of the shamrock, there’s also going to be an abundance of green—from clothes to food and even drinks.

While many people prefer to go to Irish pubs on St. Patrick’s Day, those with jobs and other responsibilities the following day may choose to celebrate at home with a few friends. But, as festivities ensue, so do spills and stains.

Cleaning up all that green may feel like a nightmare, so here are several ways to deal with certain stains after your St. Patrick’s Day celebration:

Carpet Stains

According to ACC Carpet Cleaners London, you must first determine the nature of the stain: is it from dirt, coloured beverages or any other material? This way, it’s easier to know what to use to remove the stain on your carpet. The important thing to remember about cleaning carpet stains is that you have to act fast before they set.

If there’s any liquid, quickly blot the surface with a cloth, then dampen the spot with clean water. After that, you may mix an ounce of your stain remover with a cup of water and spray the solution onto the stained area. Then, gently rub and blot it with a cloth until the stain comes off. Be careful about the last step, though, because you might end up spreading the stain instead of removing it.

Beer or Whisky

Friends having a drink on St. Patrick's DayThere’s surely going to be a couple of spilling incidents as you celebrate St. Patty’s day. Beer and whisky are the beverage of choice during this day. While these drinks can leave stains on their own, the fact that some dye these beverages green adds a challenge when cleaning spills.

Similar to removing carpet stains, the first thing to do when you spill dyed beer on any surface is to use a piece of cloth to absorb as much of it as you can. This helps to prevent the spill – and the resulting stain – from spreading. After you’ve blotted up as much as you can, you need to address the dye, and the best solution for that is rubbing alcohol. If you have a bottle if it or even hand sanitizer around, dampen a piece of cloth with it then dab and rub it on the stained surface.


Some people prefer to drink wine instead of beer on St. Patrick’s Day and this means more trouble if it spills. Wines have “chromogens” which are pigment-inducing substances that stain the teeth as well as cloth. Wine also sets quickly so stains are harder to get rid of, but not impossible.

When spilt on cloth, don’t ever rub or scrub the stain away. Your goal should be to “lift” the red wine off the cloth fibres and the way to do this is by diluting it. Blot the stained area with club soda or water to dilute the colour then put salt on the spot. Its properties will break down the stain, so let it soak for a few minutes before gently brushing the salt off and voila! Your fabric is stain-free.

If there’s one time you shouldn’t “go green”—at least the stained variety—it’s after St. Patrick’s Day. Remove unsightly green and other coloured stains from your home, as soon as possible, for a better post-holiday life.

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