Lobby Design: Fresh Ideas to Spruce Up the Entryway to Your Company

Office lobby with orange chairsNo matter what kind of business you operate, the lobby area of your company should make a solid impression on clients, customers and employees. A building’s lobby serves as a snapshot of the rest of the building and a reflection of the values of your brand. When people walk through the door, the lobby is either a welcoming sight or a warning sign.

The first look always counts and sprucing up the entryway to your company adds value to your brand. To help you improve the ambience and aesthetics of your lobby, we’ve come up with some ideas that will create positive lasting impressions.

Improve the ceiling and flooring

Plain white walls are a safe option for residential houses, but for company buildings, they’re a dime a dozen. They look cheap, dull and unprofessional. Stand out by decorating your ceiling with timber beams lauded by architects and builders across Australia. Timber is a beautiful and extremely versatile raw material. It can be used for creating striking architectural effects and multi-directional patterns. They add warmth and glow to any space with their natural beauty and rich lustre.

When it comes to the attractiveness of a lobby, the flooring is a crucial element. Consider options that look pleasing and wear well, since floors track in a lot of dirt and mud. Carpeting is a good choice because it reduces health hazards like slippery floors. If you’re opting for a classier vibe, marble flooring exudes luxury and sophistication. For more options, this table provides an overview of different types of flooring and their characteristics.

Liven it up with greenery

Modern office with plantsBring in living elements to your lobby such as plants and flowers. The lush greenery that you add will make guests and employees feel more at home, and improve the overall appeal. An indoor potted plant like the Lucky Bamboo or Fiddle Leaf Fig may act as the focal point of the space, drawing attention for their size or colour. A large vase full of fresh flowers adds personality to an otherwise monotone setting.

Additionally, plants and flowers improve the air quality of a space. In modern buildings where windows are sealed to minimise unwanted temperature changes, the levels of carbon dioxide are higher than the outdoors. Plants remove these gases and toxins from the air, lifting the mood and helping people breathe more easily.

Appeal to the senses

If you are looking to create an inviting atmosphere for your lobby that reflects the brand of your company, appeal to the senses of the people. Stimulate with the colour palette you use and strategise the amount of lighting in specific areas. For example, if you’re going for a more relaxed mood, consider neutral colours such as dark blues and warm browns. Fluorescent lighting comes off as harsh, so settle on dim overhead lighting, especially in sitting areas.

If you want a more vibrant space, incorporate splashes of bright colours to the interiors. They can be anything from a modern piece of artwork to multicoloured pillows and rugs. Add in some magazines and books to the tables, so that visitors have something to scan through while waiting for their appointments.

The lobby of a company reflects the image and the brand of the business. You never get a second chance at first impressions and sprucing up your lobby will make it more attractive and inviting, especially to first-time visitors. Even if they don’t linger, the right décor will create a positive lasting impression while they’re waiting for the elevator.

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