Simple Improvements You Can Do to Make Your Home Holiday-Ready

House roof repair and improvement

House roof repair and improvement

There’s a lot to do during the holiday season, aside from cooking a feast for your guests. Your house might not be prepared for the weather and the mess that your celebration will bring. Before you start making that pie crust, check your home for possible issues that might ruin your holiday cheer.

Upgrade Your Fireplace

There’s nothing like the cozy warmth of a fireplace when it’s freezing outside. But the same source of warmth can also be a cause of harm, with risks of fire and smoke inhalation. To avoid such issues, have a fireplace contractor look at your fireplace and do necessary repairs. And if you want to save on costs, you need to maintain it yourself.

If you want a safer alternative, have an electric fireplace installed before winter starts. Uintah Fireplace Design from Utah recommends electric fireplaces for people who find it difficult to maintain a traditional one. Electric fireplaces are also safer than traditional ones because they don’t spark embers and emit gas fumes.

Repair Your Roof

The last things you need during a holiday party are leaks coming from your damaged roof. Inspect your roof and look for fading, tearing, cracking, and trash. If you see any problems, call a roofing contractor to make repairs. It’s important that you schedule repairs during fall season because fixes such as shingle replacement won’t be effective during the winter.

Add Insulation

If the combined powers of your fireplace and radiator are losing to the harsh cold of winter, you might want to add more insulation to your home. The most important parts of your home to insulate are the exterior walls and the attic. Ask a professional to inspect your house and install insulation wherever it’s needed. This ensures that your heating system won’t be working overtime during the winter, giving you lower energy expenses and a much more comfortable home.

Convert Your Basement Into a Bedroom

If you’re worried about not having enough room for people coming over for the holidays, look no further than your basement. If you don’t have any use for it, convert it into an extra bedroom. Once your guests are out, you can either retain is as a guest room, use it for storage, or turn it into an income-generating unit for rent.

Hire a Cleaning Service

Cleaning service for the house

There’s so much to clean and only so much you can do. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the carpets, dishes, and sheets that need cleaning, hire a professional cleaning service. Having them help you before and after you have your holiday celebration will let you focus on cooking or other improvements. There are many cleaning service providers online; make sure to pick one with good reviews.

Sprucing up your home before the holidays requires a lot of patience, time, effort, and money. But you don’t have to do it all alone. Home service contractors can help you work on your improvements if you’re willing to shell out cash.

Home improvement is a lot of work, but it’s all worth it. Your efforts will be rewarded by the smiles on your guests’ faces as they’re enjoying the comfort and safety of your home during the holiday.

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