The Easiest and Hardest Things to Pack for the Move (And How to Pack Them)

Man talking over the phone while packing

Man talking over the phone while packingPacking is one of the most challenging aspects of moving. It is a taxing task, and often, moving individuals (or families) can be lost from the very beginning. Where will you start? How will you organize everything?

Moving can be a stressful process, says Moving Squad, a company providing moving services in Broward County. And families can feel it more when it’s time to pack things. When packing, you have to sort out everything – from stuff you have to sell to things you should take with you. Putting these items inside moving boxes, however, is a whole different story.

While there are some that take a few minutes to pack, other things might take up a good chunk of your day. Here are the common items you should pack – from the easiest to the most difficult, and the best way to stuff them inside the box or the loading truck.


The best way to pack your clothes is not to unpack them from the dresser so that you can maximize space. If there’s not enough room in the dresser, you can stuff your clothes inside thick and durable heavy trash bags (not the regular one as they could rip easily). There are also hacks you can follow to fold your clothes like a pro for easy packing.


If you have extra rolling luggage, you can put some of your books in them. If you don’t, you can use heavy-duty cardboard boxes. Put the heaviest books first (make sure to put all your books flatly against the bottom of the box). Then, fill the gaps with newspapers or any soft material to secure the books in place.

Small Electronics

The best way to pack your small electronics like Xbox or a laptop is in their original box. Otherwise, you can use sturdy cartons but wrap the devices first in bubble wrap. As for electrical cords, you can place them inside toilet-paper tubes, so they don’t get tangled.

Precious Jewelry

These items may either be expensive, have sentimental value, or both. To take care of them while in transport, place them inside a jewelry box. If you don’t have one, you can secure them in egg cartons, sunglasses cases, or pill organizers.

These items are relatively easy to pack, and you can do so yourself. However, with the following stuff, you may need the help of professional movers.

Big Electronics

Like with small ones, big electronics (TV and refrigerator) are best secured in their original boxes. Again, if you don’t have the box anymore, you can tape bubble wrap over them, then a blanket, then place them inside a heavy-duty cardboard box.

Musical and Sports Equipment

These usually already come with protective cases. But, to save space, you should disassemble whatever’s possible. Wrap the big items in bubble wrap and secure them inside boxes. Also, you shouldn’t forget to keep the small parts in a labeled plastic bag.

Sharp Items

If you don’t have enough toolboxes for sharp items such as knives, saw blades, and axes, wrap them in layers of rags for protection, instead. Pack them carefully, secure them inside durable cardboard boxes, and label them as “sharps.”

Art Pieces

Couple carrying carton boxesIf you don’t have a mirror box, you can wrap the artwork with layers of plastic then bubble wrap. Pad the bottom of the box with newspapers or beddings. Then, fill the gaps with soft material before taping the box close and labeling it “fragile.”

Grandfather Clocks

Like art pieces, grandfather clocks need careful handling. Often, these decorative pendulum clocks are heirlooms that have been passed from generation to generation. When you are disassembling the, do it gently and wear soft gloves. Tape a furniture blanket around the clock, and when you load it in the truck, keep it upright and secured.

Packing shouldn’t be more stressful than it should be. If you’re confused, you can always start with the little things, so you have a sense of accomplishment. Then, for the heavy stuff, you can hire professional movers to help you out.

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