The Types of Shades of Patio and How to Pick Yours

outdoor in house concept

People nowadays would prefer an outdoor feel with the comfort of home. That’s why a patio has always been a good choice for modern houses. Recreational activities, dinners, and a lot of bonding with families and friends can be done in patios. According to, a patio is a paved outdoor area adjoining a house, generally used for dining or recreation. It’s like a mini yard for simple celebrations and bonding.

Since the patio is located outdoors, many people choose to put up shades as part of their weatherproofing the area. The following might help you decide on the best shade you can put up on your patio.

Patio Umbrellas

This is the most commonly used type of outdoor shade for its affordability, convenience, and design. Umbrellas can be placed anywhere, and because of its portability, it can be used for a solo or group. It can also be brought to mountains or beaches for an outing.

Patio umbrellas have their own bad side. Since it is just an umbrella, its shading can be very limited and not a permanent solution for patios. It has a little need of maintenance and has to be cleaned and packed away for changing seasons.

Soft Top Gazebos

These types of shades are more costly than the umbrellas but are more cost-efficient than the hardtop. These are built with steel-hard frames but with canvas roofs making it soft in the eye. These can be attached to your outdoor patio just right next to your house. Also, you can build as many of these to create a shaded walkway.

The downside of it is it won’t last that long because its roof is just made of canvas. You have to replace them from time to time when maintenance can’t keep it up. It also has to be dismantled before winter as it’s not as waterproof as any other types of gazebos.

Hardtop Gazebos

As its name dictates, it is just the hard version of soft-top gazebos. It has a lot of advantages compared to the previous one. It has the same frames, which are steel hard and has solid roofing which is also steel in typical built. This structure requires ventilation on the roof, causing it to build roof tiers. This also comes with a mosquito net or thin curtains that you can use if the area has to be closed.

The only disadvantage of it is its affordability. Since it comes with steel-hard built, expect that it is more expensive than umbrellas and soft top gazebos.


Are you a nature-lover and want to include a touch of green in your patio? Here’s a good pick for you. Pergolas are structures where vines can cripple and grow themselves. They are usually steel or wood placed in parallel to each other. In its usual form, it has frames and an open rafter-ed roof. According to, Pergolas are among the amazing outdoor shade structures.

Disadvantage? You have to wait for quite a month for it to grow and give your patio a shade, but it’s a guarantee worth the wait.

Traditional Awnings

Awnings are more of a permanent installation on your patio. It gives accent to the interior for its frames are attached to the house, giving it a more spacious look for the house. This is a good option for homes situated on a sunny set-up. This works as shade not just on your patio but also in your window, making the house cooler without using much energy.

As mentioned, traditional awnings are a permanent installation, but there are current trends for awnings in our modern era. One of these is a retractable awning. These are the convenient version of the traditional awnings. These are also safe and environment friendly. Also, these cannot just be installed in houses but also in trailers and other car types.

Sun Sails

sun sail

Stylish and gives an accent in the shade coming through your patio, sun sails can fit your taste! These look like boat sails plotted as a shade on your area. These are perfect for the court-yard space because of its design. You can also apply multiple layers of sun sails depending on your area’s needs.

Due to its design, selected areas of your patio can only be shaded, and it’s not also advisable to be used when it’s raining.

Patios are a good area for families and friends to gather. That’s why it’s also important to invest in a good shade to protect not only the gathering but also the materials used in your area. It’s good to know that there are various shades you can choose from that can help you decide.

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