Nothing is as crucial to wood as its storage. The storage will affect the way it looks, its value and the way it performs. This means that the stakes are high for products based on wood that are stored inadequately. The bottom line of storage is preservation.
If you want to bulk buy timber, you have to be willing to consider how you will store it. Wood is generally robust, adaptable and resilient as a building material. If exposed to cold, moisture or heat at the wrong temperatures, it will gradually lose these traits.
Such wood will discolor, shrink, decay, distort or split. If you want to maximize your sales and reduce stock waste, consider the following tips:
Timber Protection
Always be sure to manage the humidity and the temperature in your timber storage facilities. A significant variance in the moisture in the storage area and that of your wood will cause it to warp or shrink.
If you store your supplies in the outdoors, be sure that they do not lie on the ground and in direct rain or sunlight. You would do well to have a system for racking to protect the wood. As a rule of thumb, keep timber wrapped that arrives that way.
Exposed wood should be covered using waterproof material, but air must always circulate inside. Finally, beware of condensation. Once you open timber packs, it is a good idea to keep changing the stacks to protect the outside layers. You will also lower distortion risk and improve presentation.
Be Savvy
Structural items like floor joists or roof battens will need stacking on bearers on the flat floor. You want to lower the chances of warping by equalizing the bearer length and that of the timber. The idea is for wood to be the flattest it can be.
Other structural items need to be kept away from the ground to prevent moisture from seeping. If you do not have an appropriate structure for storage, create a makeshift above-ground platform. It always pays to invest in a display racking system. It will save you space and waste.
Rotate Stock
As a business, you want to sell your older stock before fresh arrivals. If you make the older supplies to be accessible, you will minimize waste and maximize sales. A good thing to remember is to walk your aisles regularly to check the condition and the presentation of your timber.
Pass It On
Many people fail when it comes to this final stage. It helps no one if your customers buy pristine wood from you but ruin it on their sites. It is good practice to educate them on how they can store their products.
To pass on such information, you have to be updated on things such as ventilation, moisture content and plan deliveries. Be sure to have the appropriate equipment for delivering timber.
With some planning and care, you can make sure you sell as much as you buy. Be sure to keep your wood ready to be used when you need it.