Is Your Home Ready for Summer?

view of a house

With Memorial Day coming up, now is high time for you to prepare your home for the hot summer months to come.

Even though it has been a year already since the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in a very significant way, 2021 summer seems promising with good results from vaccination rollouts. Hopefully, there will be fewer COVID-19 restrictions in the coming months, allowing us to have more fun this summer.

But before jumping right ahead to summer parties and trips, let us prep our homes for the warm summer months to come.

Prepping Your Home for Summer 2021

Mind the Roof

Apart from the foundation, your roof is an integral part of your home’s structure. Nonetheless, a lot of people put regular roofing maintenance and repair the last on the list. In fact, it is only during the eleventh hour — where the roofing is severely damaged — that homeowners give some importance to their roof.

It is actually advised that regular roofing maintenance and repair be done twice a year.

Check for any missing shingles, cracks, leaks on your roof. Do the same for your gutters and drains. Remove any debris that can clog your drains.

Check Your Cooling System

Over time, your air conditioning filters will become dirty, dusty, and clogged, restricting airflow. This further leads to the reduced cooling power of your air conditioner (AC). To prevent this from happening, have your HVAC system checked sometime during the spring season.

Since summer months are hotter, you are more likely to use your ACs often. Not only will a regular cleaning help promote quality airflow indoors, but you also help reduce the power consumption of your AC units.

The summer season is also the best tie to have your central heating system fixed. It is an extreme inconvenience if your heating system breaks down during the cold winter weather.

Prep Your Yard for Summer

In some areas, summer is the time where most storms occur. For those living in these areas, weather-proofing is crucial.

Apart from checking your roof, gutter, and drainage, hire an arborist to inspect your yard for any rotting trees and even shrubs that could potentially cause harm and danger to your home and family.

Summer is also the best time to do some updates on your garden. Some of the heat-tolerant plants that will surely love the sun are marigold, cosmos, and geranium. Do not forget your kitchen garden. Cucumber, tomatoes, squash, and berries are in their prime during the hot summer months.

Check the Home Security System

Your home security is also a primary concern as the hot summer months are approaching. Statistics show that burglary and larceny cases are higher during summer than in any other season. In fact, in the U.S., summer is dubbed the “break-in season.”

People are naturally laid back during summers. Due to the warm weather, we usually air out our houses. At night, most of us tend to leave our windows open. And, since it is summer, most homes are empty as people are on vacation.

Even if you have no travel plans this summer, it is essential still that you fortify your home against burglary. Keep all doors and windows locks. Trim and prune bushes to deprive thieves of plant cover. You may also consider upgrading your home’s security system.

security camera

Pest Control

The warm summer months also bring in pesky summer insects. While these insects usually annoy, in rare cases, they can be deadly. Thus, measures should also be taken to keep indoor living space from being invaded by ants, bugs, and other insects.

Holes in window screens should be patched, gaps on windows and doors, and any cracks should be thoroughly repaired.

Your outdoor areas should also be given much attention to preventing these insects from hovering. Any standing water must be drained to deter mosquitoes from breeding, and garbage cans should be properly closed to prevent flies from buzzing around.

General Cleaning

Who says a general cleaning is only reserved for the spring season? As seasons change, so does your house need a thorough cleaning to free it from any dust and debris that could cause serious respiratory issues.

Summer is also the best time to clean up the pantry. Grab those trash bags and throw out those items that have already expired. And for those items that would not be used, consider giving them away.

Prep Your Outdoor Space

Summertime means barbeque nights, pool parties, or simply just enjoying the outdoor warm atmosphere.

Prep up your deck as it becomes an extension of your home for the summer. Clean those outdoor furniture pieces, throw in some colorful pillows, and hang some lights to create a nice summer night mood.

Have your patio checked for any necessary repairs. And since summer is still months away, a custom deck renovation sounds like a good idea.

For some people, prepping their home ready for the summer is a gruesome, unnecessary task. But all these efforts will not only ensure your summer months are comfortable and carefree, but these tips will help prolong the shelf life of your property.

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