The Simple Life: Efficiently Organising Your Wardrobe

wardrobe concept

For many people, their clothes are an essential part of their individuality. While not all people are fashion-forward, many individuals aspire to look neat and put together. Whether you are into minimalist fashion or maximalist styles, curating your closet properly will help you streamline your everyday outfits. Knowing how to sew your own clothes can also challenge your limits and preferences regarding fashion choices. You can use Butterick patterns to help you stitch up an outfit according to your taste.

If you are into clothes and fashion, the chances are high that you have dreamt of having your own walk-in closet in your room. There are various ways that you can design your walk-in closet. Curate your wardrobe based on your personality and style.

While having a walk-in closet is the ultimate dream, you should never underestimate the power of decluttering your wardrobe. Not only will this clear up space in your closet, but it will also help you narrow down your style into your essentials. It can help you visualise and pinpoint your specific fashion style, and you can start upgrading your wardrobe from there.

Wardrobe Decluttering Sessions

In upgrading your wardrobe, you should find the right pieces that effectively reflect your style. Your closet should be updated regularly according to changes in your taste and preferences. The changes can also be affected by seasonal transitions that lead to weather-appropriate clothing.

Decluttering your wardrobe can provide you enough space in your room to help you breathe. Below are some cues that you need to start decluttering your closet space.

When you can’t seem to find your favourite shirt among all the piles of clothes, it’s time for a decluttering session. Doing so will provide you more time in the morning when you dress up for the day as there will be fewer clothes to choose from. It can be your transition to a more minimalist lifestyle that can help clear your mind of clutter.

Although many companies are in a remote work arrangement, starting a new job may entail a closet upgrade. While purchasing new clothes is an option, you should prioritise going through your current piles of clothes and editing from there before you spend on new items. Select clothing pieces appropriate for work and video conferences to make sure that you appear professional in the workspace.

It’s common for us to hold on to old clothes that have a semblance of sentimental value. However, if you have been storing them in your closet without a plan of wearing them again, it might be time to let them go. Having these clothes take up space in your closet will only make your wardrobe cluttered and outdated.

Having fluctuating body weight is normal, but if your body shape has changed significantly due to certain conditions, you should consider finding the right pieces that can flatter your body effectively. Doing so will allow you to enjoy newfound confidence in well-fitting clothing, which can affect your mood and overall wellness.

Watch out for these signs that you need to start decluttering your wardrobe. While sustainability and slow fashion have become buzzwords in recent years, this should not keep you from upgrading your wardrobe into something that will make you feel more confident about yourself.

Maximise Your Closet Space

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Building a walk-in closet is the dream for some fashion-forward people. While this can be attainable even in small spaces, some people might not have the time and resources to renovate a new wardrobe space. An alternative to having a walk-in closet is to organise your current wardrobe to maximise the space you have. Here is a guide on maximising your closet storage space to make dressing up simpler and more efficient.

Before heading out to buy boxes of closet organisers, you need to make an inventory of the clothing pieces you have to make sure that your organisers can fit your items. Measure your available closet space for you to have a reference when choosing your closet organiser’s design and size. Instead of going to the store to buy new storage solutions, you can also check your items at home and see if you can re-purpose anything instead.

Double hanging your wardrobe can save you a tremendous amount of space. You have to start hanging the clothes you normally fold up, but this technique can save you more closet space.

Hangers are versatile tools in the closet. Find the right hanger style and size for your clothes and accessories to save space. In small closets, you can opt for thinner hangers instead of bulky ones.

Take advantage of the space on your closet door. Install hooks on your closet door so that you can hang accessories such as belts and bags. Hanging your frequently used items here can also make dressing up more convenient.

It’s important to maximise your closet space to avoid having a cluttered wardrobe. A neat and organised wardrobe can bring joy and a clear mind when dressing up in the morning as it simplifies the dress-up process.

A walk-in closet is a fun thing to add to your home. However, for those with limited resources, simply organising your closet and decluttering unused clothing pieces can already make a big difference.

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