Winter Warm-up: Low-Cost Ways to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

Keeping Warm During the Winter

Keeping Warm During the WinterSpring is still a ways away here in Utah, as winter storms still persist. With bills almost due, it’s time to find ways to save money whenever you can. That means taking the challenge of keeping everyone warm this winter without driving up heating costs.

If you live in Salt Lake City, here’s what you can do to keep yourself toasty and financially stable at the same time.

Maintain Your Furnace

Your heating system is your first line of defense against the icy horrors of winter. If you find that your heating bills are spiking, but you aren’t getting enough warmth, consider getting your furnace fixed. You’ll be surprised at how much you can save on monthly bills when you have a functioning heater.

Strategic Curtain Management

Your window is a double-edged sword during the winter even when it’s closed. It can let the warm sunlight in during the morning and early afternoon. But it can also let the harsh cold in when the sun eventually goes down. Keep the curtains open when the sun is up and closed when it’s cloudy. If you have a bit of extra cash in hand, you can get insulated curtains as well to contain heat better.

Ignite the Flame Within

Exercising hits two birds with one stone during winter. First, it heats you up in the comfort of your own home at little to no cost. Second, it burns the calories you’ve knowingly (yes, knowingly!) gained during the holidays.

Start by layering your gym clothes. Add a jacket if you want to. Jog around the house or find a room to jog in place. Jumping jacks are also an excellent way to warm up your body with the added benefit of toning your legs. Take advantage of your indoor space by blasting some exercise music. It’s never too late to have your own Rocky Balboa-style workout montage.

Winter Season, and staying Warm

Rearrange Your Furniture

Rearranging your furniture might not seem like much at first, but you might be losing heat because of your couch blocking the window or radiator. Give your windows space to let the sun enter. Your radiator should also be free to circulate hot air throughout your home.

Get Cooking and Toasting

If you’re used to eating outside or getting delivery, it’s time to use your stove and cook for yourself finally. Cooking or baking something warms up your home. Try cooking some baked chicken, turn off the oven after and keep it open. This way, you’ll let the remaining heat from the oven circulate through your kitchen. That is if you don’t mind the lingering smell of what you cooked. You’ll also save money because buying produce and cooking it yourself is cheaper and healthier than takeouts in the long run.

With harsh winter comes harsh bills. These costs, though unavoidable, can be remedied through practical means. All it takes is a well-maintained heating system and a bit of elbow grease to move the furniture, exercise, and cook. Not only will you come out of this with higher savings, but you’ll also be healthier in time for spring.

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